Research Projects
Technological Advances in Radiotherapy for the Treatment of
Localized Prostate Cancer - A Systematic Review
Jayatissa R.M.G.C.S.B. (B.Sc.)
Department of Radiography/Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among males and is the second leading
cause of cancer-related death in males.
The aim of this study is to find out the technological advances in the treatment of localized
prostate cancer, to find out the side effects for each of the researched technological changes
and to determine the outcomes of each change in technology.
Methods and Materials
A systematic review was undertaken to provide evidence relevant to the above objectives.
it has been recognized that the most widely used treatment modality as new Intensity
modulated radiotherapy, the RapidArc has also being used in current radiotherapy, delivering
the treatment using the cyber knife since 2008 (26).
The side effects observed are different for each change in technology, some side effects are
common to more than one treatment option such as urinary incontinence observed with
cryotherapy, surgery, conventional radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and High Intensity Focused
Ultrasound. Some are observed with a single treatment method such as urethral sloughing
observed only with cryotherapy.
The best five-year outcome was observed with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (100%) and
worst five year outcome identified was with cryotherapy (36%) for low risk cancers. For
intermediate risk cancers the best was with Brachytherapy (100%) and worst with
conventional radiotherapy (26%).
Click here for the full article.
The Development of Mammography Service in Central Province of Sri Lanka
Weerakoon BS1. , Hewavithana PB2
Department of Radiography, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya.1Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya2.
Breast carcinoma is a leading cause of death in women in all over the world.Mammography is the primary effective detection technique to reduce breast cancer mortality.The objectives of the study were to describe how the mammography service was established and evolved in Central province,the quality of the service and the experiences of the mammographers who were providing the service.Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study using a self administered structured questionnaire.The results were comparatively discussed with the existing literature& Mammography Quality Standard Act. Results andConclusion: The mammography service in Central province is still in primitive stage. Poor developments can see in the fields of technology, education of the mammographers and screening programs.
Breast cancer is the leading cancer in women in all over the world as well as in Sri Lanka1According to the national statistics;the annual age standardized rate is 18.3 per 100,000 populations2.Mammography, a breast x-ray examination is the primary, most effective tool for the early detection of breast cancers. Diagnostic mammography performed on patients with symptoms. Asymptomatic with risk group patients undergo a screening test. The benefit of mammography for the early detection and treatment of breast cancer outweighs the minimal risk of radiation received during mammography 3. Mammography service is defined as the operation of equipment to produce a quality mammogram with correct interpretation and good patient care. Quality improvement is the processes used in fulfilling each element of a quality service. Goal of a good health service is to decrease complication rate, morbidity, mortality and cost of care4. At Central province in year 2001, the number of women subjected to breast examination were 257 per year .Out of them, if 100 women were examined an incidence of 2.1 breast abnormalities were detected5. All the personal involved in the service should have the correct knowledge and experience to render a good quality service according to the demand. This study describes how the mammography service was established and evolved in Central province (from the aspect of mammographers), the experiences of the mammographers who are providing mammography services in Central province and how the quality assurance program is carried out in places where the study had been done. FULL article
Department of Radiography, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya.1Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya2.
Breast carcinoma is a leading cause of death in women in all over the world.Mammography is the primary effective detection technique to reduce breast cancer mortality.The objectives of the study were to describe how the mammography service was established and evolved in Central province,the quality of the service and the experiences of the mammographers who were providing the service.Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study using a self administered structured questionnaire.The results were comparatively discussed with the existing literature& Mammography Quality Standard Act. Results andConclusion: The mammography service in Central province is still in primitive stage. Poor developments can see in the fields of technology, education of the mammographers and screening programs.
Breast cancer is the leading cancer in women in all over the world as well as in Sri Lanka1According to the national statistics;the annual age standardized rate is 18.3 per 100,000 populations2.Mammography, a breast x-ray examination is the primary, most effective tool for the early detection of breast cancers. Diagnostic mammography performed on patients with symptoms. Asymptomatic with risk group patients undergo a screening test. The benefit of mammography for the early detection and treatment of breast cancer outweighs the minimal risk of radiation received during mammography 3. Mammography service is defined as the operation of equipment to produce a quality mammogram with correct interpretation and good patient care. Quality improvement is the processes used in fulfilling each element of a quality service. Goal of a good health service is to decrease complication rate, morbidity, mortality and cost of care4. At Central province in year 2001, the number of women subjected to breast examination were 257 per year .Out of them, if 100 women were examined an incidence of 2.1 breast abnormalities were detected5. All the personal involved in the service should have the correct knowledge and experience to render a good quality service according to the demand. This study describes how the mammography service was established and evolved in Central province (from the aspect of mammographers), the experiences of the mammographers who are providing mammography services in Central province and how the quality assurance program is carried out in places where the study had been done. FULL article
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